AI: Is this the end of education as we know it?


In recent months, the advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have been astonishing. On November 30, 2022, Open AI launched ChatGPT which has since attracted a great deal of both interest and criticism.

Recently, Google also released its own AI experiment called Bard. Whether we like it or not, AI will profoundly change our lives in general and education in particular.

A few weeks ago, the education world gathered at the Bett Conference in London. Over 600 EdTech (educational technology), companies presented their educational proposals for the present and future.

As observed at the Mobile World Congress 2023 in Barcelona, the initials “AI” were prominently featured in the slogans and marketing campaigns of participating companies.

Currently, in the world of EdTech it seems that AI is at the centre of everything. Its opportunities are endless and this emerging technology offers great possibilities for the education sector, ranging from generating personalized content and creating images to analyzing written or spoken text.

We are at the beginning of a new revolution and the world to come will be different, just as it happened previously with the introduction of the internet, mobile phones, and social networks.

What will be the impact in the classroom? How will we evaluate students in the future when ChatGPT can generate an essay on any topic, solve mathematical problems, or generate the code for a computer program?

At the same time, this new scenario requires new skills. Are schools prepared to educate our students in these skills? AI has arrived to stay, and it is better to start thinking about how we can improve education through it, instead of denying the change that is happening.

During the pandemic, it seemed that the digitization of education referred to giving classes via Teams but it is not the case, the change will be much deeper.

If we ask ChatGPT how it can help students learn, it gives us some ideas:

  • Generating grammar and vocabulary examples.
  • Generating persuasive texts.
  • Assisting in essay and assignment writing.
  • Solving mathematical and scientific problems.
  • Providing personalized interaction.

Students have already caught on and are starting to use it. We cannot afford to be left behind.

By Sven Huber

The writer is an education expert, and CEO at Fiction Express Education.

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