Agency mandated to develop TVET curriculum reinstated 


The government has finally reinstated the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Curriculum Development- Assessment and Certification Council (TVET-CDACC), which was disbanded by the previous regime.

A Cabinet meeting dated March 21, 2023 resolved to reinstate the operations of TVET-CDACC in a move aimed at freeing Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) and Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) to focus on basic education.

TVET-CDACC has been mandated to equip youth with technical skills to help them contribute to the country’s development through the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

“As part of the administration’s plan on (enhancing) equipping the youth with technical skills to help them better contribute to our national development, the Cabinet rescinded the decision of Cabinet in the last administration abolishing the TVET-CDACC, re-establishing the same,” read a Cabinet dispatch dated March 21, 2023.

Following the nod by Cabinet, TVET institutions will examine and assess competencies independently as opposed to the previous system where they had to rely on state agencies.

TVET-CDACC is now expected to assume the mandate of assessing the qualifications and reviewing the curriculum taught in TVET institutions, which initially had been bestowed upon KICD and KNEC.

While meeting principals of National Polytechnics, Institutes of Technology, Technical Training Institutes, and Technical and Vocational Colleges, together with senior officers in the State Department of Vocational and Technical Training at Kenya School of TVET on February 15, 2023, Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) revealed plans to revive TVET-CDACC.

Machogu noted that the previous decision to disband the body was ill-advised, noting that KICD should be left to deal with curriculum for basic learning intuitions and that KNEC was already overburden.

In 2021, former education CS the late Prof George Magoha established a technical committee to look into the procedures that would lead to the eradication of the functions carried out by TVET-CDACC, which proposed transfer of functions to KICD and KNEC.

However, legislators raised concerns over the proposals in a report of the Budget and Appropriation Committee signed by the then committee chairperson Kanini Kega dated May 24, 2023, noting that the proposal would face legal hurdles.

“According to a directive from the Head of Civil Service, the functions of the Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council should be transferred to KICD and KNEC. It is noted that CDACC is established under the TVET Act, 2003, and as such, this proposal may face legal hurdles if implemented without amending this Act of Parliament,” read the report in part.

TVET-CDACC was established under the TVET Act, No. 29 of 2013 with the mandate to undertake, design and develop curricula for TVET examinations, assessments and competence certifications, as well as advise the government on matters relating to TVET curriculum.

The council was further mandated to make rules with respect to TVET examinations and competence assessments, issue certificates to candidates who satisfy national TVET examinations and competence assessment requirements, and promote recognition of its qualifications in foreign systems.

It was also mandated to investigate and determine cases involving indiscipline by candidates registered with it, and promote and carry out research relating to its examinations and publication of books and other materials relevant to its examinations.

As per the Act, the Certification Council consists of a chairperson appointed by the CS, the TVET Principal Secretary (PS), TVET Authority Director-General, and six members appointed by the CS.

Of the six, one should be from the Senate of a technical university, another from among the principals of technical colleges, and a third from the national polytechnics.

In addition, three members from an industry with complementary competencies will be appointed, plus the Council Secretary who will serve as secretary.

The Act further provided that the chairperson and members shall hold office for a period not exceeding three years, but are eligible for reappointment.

By Roy Hezron

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