Activist appeals for establishment of counseling centre for abused children

By Enock Okong’o

Kisii-based human rights and political activist Mrs. Rachael Otundo has appealed to the Kisii County government to establish a counseling centre that will help school children recover from sexual, physical and emotional abuse.

She said that cases of child defilement had become rampant in the region and called for administrators to raise awareness and to issue stern punishments to those found guilty of the offences.

The activist was speaking at Nyatieko village in Kitutu Chache South constituency on Monday, November 14 when she visited a Standard Seven pupil who was allegedly abducted and defiled by a relative.

According to Nyatieko Primary school head teacher Mr. Mokaya, the minor left her home at Kanyimbo for Moneke village to run errands for her mother.

On her way back, the minor met her defiler who lured her before committing the atrocity.

“He coerced me and forcefully dragged me into the bush and did bad things,” revealed the minor.

A passerby found the young girl distraught and abandoned in the bush and raised alarm to villagers and the girl’s parents who took her to Iranda Health Centre where she was confirmed sexually abused.

“We took the child to Kisii Teaching And Referral Hospital for further medical attention,” confirmed the centre Medical Officer.

The matter was recorded at Nyatieko Police Station where the Commander, Mbugua said that investigations had commenced but the suspect was still at large.

“I appeal to the public to volunteer information that may assist us to apprehend the suspect,” he said.

According to Child Development and Psychology expert Mrs. Dorcas Nyandiko, those abused at a tender age suffer psychologically when older unless they are given consistent guidance and counseling services.

“Most of them suffer from low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, hopelessness, hatred, self-harm often haunt them and sometimes leads towards suicidal tendencies,” she said.

The scholar noted that early interventions should be sought to rehabilitate abused people to prevent them from depression.

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