Acting teachers in Kajiado call for promotions

By Obegi Malack

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Kajiado County Executive Secretary Elly Korinko has revealed that a number of teachers have worked in acting capacity in the county for more than five years but have never been promoted.

The teachers, who have not received their confirmation letters, have also accused the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Kajiado County employment panel of biasness in the just concluded teachers’ recruitment exercise.

A teacher who sought anonymity said that the employment panel did not follow the TSC employment guidelines while employing new employees for post-primary institutions and Junior Secondary School in the 2022/2023 Financial Year.

They alleged that the just concluded recruitment exercise was interfered with by politicians who ensured their clansmen and tribesmen got shortlisted for employment.

“We are aware the interviews were done as a formality and they also did not give the results on the same day,” the teacher said.

The teachers now suspect the promotion of teachers slated for February 2023 will follow the same trajectory.

When contacted, Mr. Korinko said he had not received any complaints about the recruitment exercise.

“I have not received any official complain and if I receive one, I will act,” he said.

Kajiado County TSC boss Angela Nekesa also said that the teachers have not reported to her about the issues thus she could not comment on the issues.

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