ACK claims back its schools from County Education Board in Nyamira, Kisii

The new Northern Nyanza Diocese Bishop John Orina Omangi /File Photo

The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) in Nyamira wants back schools that were taken away from its sponsorship and placed under the  County Education Board.

The newly enthroned Northern Nyanza Diocese ACK Bishop John Omangi said his first task is to reclaim the schools that were shifted to the County education Board.

“Now that we acquired our own Diocese, these schools have to be returned to us so that we can accomplish our objectives of spreading the gospel among our youths.” He said.

The Bishop named Kisii National School, Daraja Mbili Secondary and Primary Schools among the schools that need to go back under the sponsorship of ACK because of their vicinity to Kisii town that hosts the headquarters of the church.

Other schools include Nyabite and Misambi Primary Schools in Nyamira County.

“These schools were taken from our sponsorship by the District Education Board because we were the minority now that our membership has increased we need these institutions back.” He said.

He said the church values dialogue and that they were optimistic that the process would take an amicable course.

Other schools that will fall under ACK jurisdiction if the request is accepted will include Nyakegara and Riomego in Kisii and Nyamira Counties respectively.

Contacted to comment on the matter, Kisii County Education Board Chairman Prof. Henry Onderi denied having received any request over the same.

“We have not received any communication from the church asking us to surrender those institutions to them.” He said.

Onderi said his committee’s priority is to create a conducive environment for learners and teachers in order to promote standards of education in the region, but not the scramble over ownership.

The Chairman who agreed that education development calls for cooperation from all stakeholders, cautioned against politicizing it.

He said professionals should be allowed to fine-tune any proposed changes in the education sector.

By Enock Okong’o

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