ACK Arch-Bishop urges fellow clergy to mentor children during holidays

ACK Arch-Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit at Rift Valley Sport Club in Nakuru City. He asked his fellow clergy to mentor children during the long December holidays.

ACK (Anglican Church Kenya) Arch-Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit has urged colleagues in the clergy to mentor children during the long December holidays so that they develop a moral character for the good of the country.

Sapit said children are the leaders and professionals of the coming years and they should be equipped with good character traits to help them face the future with confidence.

He was addressing a gathering of friends, family, colleagues and church of Rt Rev Dr Joseph Muchai, the 5th Bishop of ACK  Diocese of Nakuru, at Rift Valley Sport grounds during his retirement service.

“Church leaders are good guardians that God sent as His tools to give children proper direction so that they become responsible citizens,” he said, suggesting that Sunday school and Madrasas should be forums to teach children virtue so that value is added to their lives.

The prelate pointed out that when spiritual leaders instill good discipline in children, the fruit will be reflected in their performance in school.

Turning to the children, he advised them to be obedient to their benefactors, putting into consideration the support they receive from them.

He encouraged them to fully concentrate on their studies as a gateway to a better life.

“You should fully concentrate on your work so that you can have a bright future and be fruitful in the development of our country,” he said.

The thanksgiving service was attended by over 10 Bishops from various ACK Dioceses of Kenya and clergy from Uganda and West Africa.

By Peter Otuoro

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