Class Five pupil dies after swallowing ndazi

By Florence Norah

A class five pupil has died after being chocked by a ndazi.

The Onyalo Primary School pupil died after a piece of ndazi got stuck in his throat.

The deceased Josiah Ombura was playing with his friends when the incident occurred.

School head teacher Dedan Odhiambo said the deceased had been sharing the mandazi among his friends before more pupils came to get a share prompting him to swallow it a whole.

“The boy reported to school jovial until break time when his friends reported to the office that he could not talk and was gasping for breath,” said Odhiambo.

Attempts to administer first aid by the institution and rush him to Migori Referral Hospital failed as he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Suna central location chief Caleb Ombura who is also the deceased’s uncle confirmed that a postmortem will be carried on the body to help reveal the cause of death. The body was taken to Migori Refetral Hospital Mortuary.

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