Man to Spend 15 years in Jail for Defiling 12 Year Old Minor

By Florence Norah

A 20 year old man has been jailed for a term of 15 years for defiling a 12 year old minor by Rongo senior resident magistrate Raymond Langat.
While giving his judgment, Mr. Langat noted that on 24th day of August 2019 in Kanga area, the accused willingly defiled a minor contrary to section 8(1) of the defilement act , he committed the act with the minor in a bush.
The accused Innocent Orwaro Masi was also charged for getting into love relationship with the minor contrary to section 11(1) number 3 of 2006 of Kenyan laws.
“In the findings after investigations were carried out and in relation to the Kenyan laws apart from listening to witnesses to this case I therefore find the accused person guilty of the offence,” said Langat.
Before passing the judgment Langat had also ordered for an age assessment after the accused had claimed he was 17 years a process which revealed that he was an adult of 20 years and also considered that he was a first time offender.
“I have considered the fact that he is a first time offender and being that cases of defilement are on the rise in this area therefore this judgment should serve as an example to others,” said Langat.
The accused still has time to appeal on the judgment.

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