Migori girl 3, dies after falling into school borehole

By Florence Norah

Girl aged three years has died after falling into a borehole at Matagaro secondary school in Awendo Sub-county of Migori County.

The deceased Triza Adhiambo died after drowning in the borehole that had been left open for five months within the school compound..

Mother to the deceased Dorcas Atieno  said she was informed of the incident  when she arrived  home by her mother-in-law and  called for help to rescue her daughter.

“when I arrived  I called for help  but it was too late as she was retrieved from the borehole already dead,” said Dorcas.

At the time of her arrival at the scene her daughter has already sunk deep inside the hole that had been dug by the school to help in collection of water to be used villagers and the school especially during the drought seasons

The family has urged the school together with others villagers to seal the boreholes  before they cause more deaths in the future.

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