Parents advised to nurture children’s talents

By Kamundia Muriithi

Parents have been advised to engage their children in activities that nurture and develop their talents during school holidays.

According to educationists, parents should consider having their children participate in talent events during school holidays instead of idling at home whole day watching television or using a mobile phone.

Kerugoya Municipality Primary School operations director Solomon Munene said when a child is helped to identify and grow in areas that they are talented in, they develop confidence in those areas and would become good at them.

“A child’s value system is built at home and not at school,” Munene pointed out.

He was speaking when more than 100 children from various schools ‘graduated’ from a one-week festival talent events at the school during the August holiday.

The children of school going ages participated in various activities such modelling, arts and craft, music, beading, cooking, karate, home science activities, and STEM- Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics activities.

Under the guidance of teachers and experts, the pupils were engaged in the areas of their talents, which is in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

Munene said the festival was designed to engage the children in a constructive manner to enable them unleash their potential and utilize their skills and abilities to create a foundation for them to grow holistically.

“The event was modelled in line with the CBC which emphasizes on nurturing every learner’s potential. It turned out well. We were amazed at how many and great things children can do when given a conducive and friendly environment,” said Munene.

Njeri Muriithi, a young girl who has a talent in acrobatics, amazed guests with her unique skills during the graduation ceremony.

The young acrobatic said she loves dancing and acrobatics and had her self-esteem boosted when she performed before hundreds of people and they cheered and encouraged her.

Njeri’s mother Becky Waweru expressed delight that children who are guided through areas of their talents exhibited a lot of confidence as they demonstrated what they learnt.

“My appeal is to parents that instead of just having the children stay at home during the holidays, they should enrol them to this event or similar events elsewhere where they would be engaged constructively and their talents nurtured,” she said.

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