Mother’s toil to ensure her children excel

By Lydia Ngoolo 

As you approach Wote town in Makueni County all seems to be fine with a cool breeze from the many trees surrounding the town.

But for Juliana Muthoki, a 54 year-old woman, there is nothing for her to mesmerize. She sits with her palm cupped in her chin.  

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, for Muthoki she believes her life would have been better had she not dropped out of school at Class Five.

“If my parents had given me the necessary education I could be working in offices like some of my age mates. I could be somewhere by now,” she says picking an old piece of iron sheet from her heap of scrap metals.

The mother of three- two daughters and a son- also regrets that her eldest daughter got married soon after clearing Class Eight.

“My hope was that she should have furthered her education to be an independent woman,” she says.

She advices children to ensure they get the education to the highest level they can warning them engaging in fornication and drug abuse will only kill their dreams and spoil their future.

Her life has been full of up and downs, toiling hard to ensure she gives full support to her children.

Her selling water business crumbled after her four donkeys died in what she says was poisoning by her fellow competitors.

“It bought the donkeys after saving for years, but I thank God that despite someone intending bad for me, He has sustained me. I started collecting and selling scrap metal and plastics which earns me very little,” she says

According to her she earns about Sh 50 daily compared to Sh 200 she used to get when she was in selling water.

Muthoki also used her donkeys to cultivate other people’s farm earn at least Sh 2,000 per day. She strongly believes one day she will be back in the business.

Her daughter and son are now at college and she appeals to well-wishers to support her clear their fee arrears.

“They have a huge balance and may not be allowed to sit for their final exams. I would be glad for any support,” says the single mother.

Her advice to all parents is to get their children educated through thick and thin, saying this will ultimately change their live and open numerous opportunities for them.

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