Thieves steal digital tablets

Thieves steal digital tablets

By Florence Norah

School heads have been told to ensure all digital tablets are kept in safe places following a rise on theft of the gadgets.

Richard Limo, Nyanza region education director confirmed that several cases have been reported of such instances adding police investigations are underway and some suspects are already in court.

In Migori county 62 schools have been affected while 17 schools in Kisii County have lost the digital tablets to thieves.

Migori County Director of Education Elizabeth Otieno, who was speaking to press recently, noted insecurity and lack of electricity are major setback in the actualization of the digital literacy programme.

 “62 out of 450 primary schools in the county have reported their laptops among other gadgets which includes transmitters stolen. Their cases are under investigation by police,” said Otieno.

Limo noted that the Ministry of Education encourages school heads to ensure the tablets are stored in metallic closets which can guarantee the safety of the devices.

“Parents should assist the heads with ideas and mechanisms on how to safely store the tablets provided by the government for the digital learning to be successful,” he said.

“Loss of these gadgets has been reported in every county within the region and anybody found in possession of any stolen tablet belonging to any institution will not be spared by law,” he added.

Limo encouraged parents and alumni to voluntarily support infrastructure upgrade in schools to boost provision of quality education.

“No parent should be forced to contribute towards harambees since not all are equal economically,” he said.

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