Retired teacher pens books to inspire youth

By Elizabeth Angira 

At 73 years of age, William Onsare is determined to leave a legacy that will inspire future generations.

The retired teacher from Chirichiro village in Nyaribari Masaba Constituency has flair in writing.

Since his retirement in the year 2001, Mr Onsare has dedicated part of his time in writing books. 

“My interaction with elderly persons has inspired me to tell the story of the Abagusii way of life,” he said.

He started his teaching career in the year 1969, and the urge to do something for the community motivated him to venture into writing field.

“I have also been attending writing workshops and other events associated with books. This has motivated me. I have been reading books about other tribes, but none from my community,” Mr Onsare noted.

His first  book, The Inside  of Nyaribari; the place  where  the  present  has no  room  for the  past, is about Abagusii origin and cultural practices.

He has also penned other books such as, The past also has what to say, Obomanyi  Engoro and The Genesis  of Church  of God  Denomination in East  Africa  Kenya,  Luhya  and  Kisii.

Chinua Achebe and Ngugi wa Thiong’o  are some of the prominent writers he looks up to for inspiration. “They have embraced their culture and write about it,” he said.

The father of six noted his family has been supporting his work.

“Lack of capital has been a major challenge to publish the books,” he said 

He regrets that westernization has eroded cultural values among the young people, and most good traditions are fading away.

“Most young Kenyans are not good readers and support for the writers is minimal,” he added.

Onsare urged the youth to embrace African culture by reading literature about Africa and its communities.

He called on the government to ensure schools have well equipped libraries to promote reading culture.

“A good writer is always a good reader. A good teacher is always a good learner and a good speaker must be a good listener,” noted the septuagenarian.

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