Embu teacher arrested for defiling four pupils

By Kamundia Muriithi and Washington Okellah

A teacher at Rianjeru Boarding Primary School in Mbeere North, Embu County has been arrested for defiling four pupils.

The teacher was locked up at Siakago Police Station and is expected to be charged once preliminary investigations are complete.

Embu Director of Children, Davelyne Mundi, said the accused was defiling the learners at different dates while in school during prep time.

“One of the victims told her teacher what had been happening. The teacher reported the matter to department of children at Kiritiri. Children officers informed police and the accused was arrested and investigation commenced,” said Mundi.

Mundi explained the victims are three Standard Eight pupils and a Standard Seven pupil.

He said his office is working closely with Embu Level Five Hospital for counselling sessions for the girls who are traumatised.

“From investigations already done, we learnt that the suspect is a habitual defiler. We have urged the Ministry of Education to take stern action against such teachers to ensure children have safe learning environment free from such sexual predators,” said Mundi.

He promised to follow-up the case to the end to ensure justice is accorded to the victims and the culprit is punished.

Mundi called on parents, close relatives, teachers and learners to be reporting to the relevant authorities any case of sexual abuse or call through the toll line 116.

He also warned sexual offences attract severe punishment.

Mbeere North Member of Parliament, Muriuki Njagagua and Embu Speaker Josiah Thiriku condemned sexual exploitation of children and tasked the Teachers Service Commission and other relevant authorities to act swiftly so that law may take its course.

“It is very bad for a trained teacher to engage in such heinous act with his learner hence it is not enough for such a teacher to be interdicted but also must face the full force of the law,” the MP said.

Elsewhere, a Sub-County Director of Education in Budalangi Constituency, Busia County, George Owuoche, has refuted report by a section of the media attributed to a child rights activist in Busia County that 18 girls from a local public primary school were expectant.

Speaking to Education News, the director said after investigation into the allegation they found only a one pupil was confirmed pregnant adding that a report released by the school management board also found the same.

Owuoche, however, expressed concern saying early pregnancy cases in the sub-county are on rise and called for concerted efforts in fighting the problem.

“Parents should not accept money but seek justice for their children through courts,” he said

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