Lawmaker threatens to close non-performing schools

By Bell Pere

Lari Member of Parliament Jonah Mburu has threatened to shut schools whose performance was below par during last year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams.
Citing Kariguni Secondary School that performed dismally, the angry MP said they had been contemplating dissolving the school and transferring the students to neighbouring Gachema and Gachoire Secondary schools.
The best student scored a D+ while thirteen others scored grade E. He said the trend had been consistent for a long time.
“That tells you there is something wrong in that school and we might close it very soon,” said Mburu.
He was speaking during the unveiling of the constituency five-year plan event that was also attended by Mater Hospital Chief Executive Officer Dominic Mwenja as the chief guest and area Director of Education Omari Barua and Kenya Secondary School Heads Association Chairman George Muchiri.

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