KNUT opposes plan to lower teacher admission grade to D+

By Kage Njoroge

The lowering of entry grade to teaching profession has generated a strong controversy from stakeholders in the education sector.
Critics of the new policy say it would downgrade the quality of the profession and churn out lower quality teachers without intellectual capacity to practise competently.
Murang’a North KNUT Executive Secretary Roseline Njoki Kamina said the Ministry of Education should stop the implementation of the policy, pointing out that teaching is a noble, intellectual profession which requires highly qualified practitioners with ability to digest knowledge and transfer to it the learners.
Kamina wondered how those who have failed in subjects are expected to teach young minds to understand what is taught.
According to Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA), those with D+ will be recruited from next year to join teaching colleges.
The Ministry of Education confirmed the plan, saying it aims at attracting intake into teacher training institutes, which are experiencing declining numbers of students in recent years.
Responding to the issue, Kamina told the Government to find out the reasons contributing to diminishing numbers of young Kenyans seeking to train as teachers.
“Teaching is a serious undertaking which requires research, thinking and information transfer which should not be entrusted to failures, semi illiterates and jokers,” she retorted.
Kamina added that teachers are a fundamental resource for guaranteeing and sustaining quality teaching and learning therefore should be adequately recruited from the best performers at national examinations.
Best brains in the career would enhance, promote and protect the image of the teaching profession.
The unionist petitioned the Government and KNQA to shelve the policy on qualification grading and maintain a minimum entry grade to a teaching career.
She called on teachers’ unions, associations and stakeholders to reject the lowering of grade to retain the integrity , image and importance of the profession for the benefit of young learners.

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