Irate parents storm school, demand removal of ‘incompetent’ principal

By Enock Okong’o

Enraged parents of Masimba Secondary School in Kisii County stormed the institution on Monday demanding the removal of the school principal whom they termed ‘incompetent’.

The parents claimed that despite the school being one of the oldest institutions in the area, he had not steered the school towards any good performance compared to its neighboring schools

“He has no ability to harness his staff and the available resources to develop the school,” complained James Omae, one of the parents.

The parents appealed to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to transfer the Principal and replace him with a competent one.

The furious parents decried the increased teenage pregnancies at the school attributing them to the careless attitude exhibited by the Principal whom they claim did not inform the local leadership and education office to connect electricity to the school.

They alleged that the students in the mixed school take advantage to hide in the darkness at dusk and indulge in sexual orgies that lead to the early pregnancies.

The parents said that they take alot of time, energy and money to invest in the education of their children and vowed to remove any obstacle to getting maximum returns for their investment.

They appealed to the old students who are now placed at different public and private positions to intervene and assist to return the school to its past glory.

On his part, the Principal while speaking to Education News defended himself against the allegations saying that the care of school children depended on collective responsibility.

“We cannot succeed in education development if we keep on accusing one another on matters that can be solved internally,” said the Principal.

Kisii County Director of Education Pius Ngoma appealed to the parents to solve their problems with teachers amicably instead of ‘going to the streets’.

“The culture of demonstrations has been passed by time, Let our parents use the available peaceful channels to raise their concerns,” Ngoma said.

He promised to look into the matter and give a comprehensive response from the County Education Board.

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