Kibabii University to establish computer software for online exams administration

By Tony Wafula

Kibabii University Vice Chancellor Prof. Ipara Odeo has revealed the university has plans to establish computer software to help in administering examinations online.

In an interview with Education News, Prof. Odeo said that e- learning has been embraced by many universities in the world because of the need to increase access to learning from different parts of the world.

“Many universities are embracing online learning and all should do the same to enable students study,” he added.

Prof. Odeo said that online learning should be embraced by all universities so that it can help students get what is expected at school.

He added that the university used online teaching to ensure the learners proceed with their studies during the covid-19 pandemic.

The VC also noted that with the availability of the e- learning has made research easy.

He revealed plans by the University to come up with computer software that can help simulate practicals.

He added that the University has identified a vendor who is working on the modalities of training the staff on the new software to monitor practicals.

“The university has 400 computers but we have plans to purchase more to serve the high number of students in the institution,” he said.

He lauded the Kenya Education Network Trust (KENET) for working with Safaricom to provide laptops for students and the staff at a discounted price of Ksh 30,000 rather than Ksh 60,000.

He noted that the vital aspect with online learning is that students can still access the lecture hours later.

He added that the adoption of online learning has really saved the University because some students attend their lessons from wherever they are.


Bungoma County KUPPET Chairman David Barasa said that online learning is very good and that it gives timid learners courage to ask their teachers questions that they couldn’t ask during the one on one lessons.

He added that in Bungoma County, most schools have already adopted online learning though poor internet connectivity has hindered others from doing so.

He urged the incoming government to come up with plans to get computers to schools to aid in online learning.

He concluded that technology has also improved security in schools as principals can monitor all activities on CCTV cameras.

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