First lady blames poor upbringing for secondary school unrest

By Amoto Dennis Ndiewo

Garissa County’s First Lady Fardosa Osman has blamed poor upbringing for the cause of rampant secondary schools unrest.
Osman said today’s parents are too busy looking for money, and have abdicating their parental roles.
She regretted that while parents busied themselves elsewhere, the noble role of parenting has been left on the shoulders of poor tutors who are overburdened by school workload due to acute staff shortage.
Recalling that at least 152 students in more than 70 secondary schools have been charged in various courts of law for causing unrest and damaging school property worth millions, the first lady noted children with proper parentage haven’t been known to be unruly.
She said as a mother, the upsurge of unrest in schools was disturbing as it exposed the students’ lives to danger and loss of school property.
She spoke when she launched a three year essential drug, supply program at Hyuga Girls Primary School in Garissa town to promote menstrual hygiene.
The first lady also distributed sanitary pads, geometrical sets, learning materials and Early Childhood Development (ECD) kits to ensure the vulnerable girl child attends school without disruption.

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