Methodist Church lauds State over move to discipline errant students

By Jeff Mwangi

The Methodist Church in Kenya has applauded the move by the Ministry of Education to take stiff disciplinary action against pupils or students found causing chaos and burning schools.
The head of Methodist Church in Kenya Sponsored Schools in the country Rev. Patrick Gitonga said as a church they are backing in totality the move by the ministry of education and the National Police Service to prosecute and denying students found guilty of criminal activities certificate of good conduct.
“It is very unfortunate that students are burning schools leaving a heavy burden to the parents to reconstruct the same. The move by both the National Police Service and the ministry of Education to prosecute learners found guilty of indiscipline in schools will install discipline among them”, said Rev. Gitonga.
He said the move will also deny such students visas to go and further their studies outside the country.
Rev. Geoffrey Mugambi from Nyambene Synod said the law must be respected and that school rules are there to be followed and that as a church they are fully in support of school rules which are for the better of the students.
Mugambi said as a church they were worried of the ongoing trend of students burning schools to an extent of burning their fellow students.
He termed the act as unforgivable adding that the rules being instilled by the ministry of Education will bring sanity in schools.
The Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Secretary Igembe North Sub-county Daniel Mithika said as parents from they were in full support of rules being put in place by the ministry of Education to combat indiscipline in schools.
“Students should know that they went to school to learn and not because of food, strikes and burning of school. I also appeal to the parents not to neglect their children but always be guiding them”, said Mithika.
Mithika said parents’ engagement with their children was lacking leaving the children to decide issues on their own as parents are too busy with other activities a thing which he says has affected negatively the discipline of the children.

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