Career office to help students get jobs

By Munene Maina

The Government will work with tertiary institutions to equip millions of graduates with relevant market labour skills to enhance their employability in both formal and informal sectors.
Speaking during the launch of Office of Career Services (OCS), Cabinet Secretary for Education Amina Mohamed said the office will be the intersection between skills, employment, market knowledge, innovation, industry and Government.
All 73 universities and about 200 public tertiary institutions are required to establish the OCS beginning 1st July this year.
The institutions have been grouped into tiers with first tier universities expected to have the OCS within two months.
Other institutions are required to have fully established and operationalised offices by 31st December 2018.
“The offices are not only expected to strengthen and improve quality of training, but also enhance student success in world of work,” said the CS during the event held at University of Nairobi and attended by among others vice-chancellors and technical institutes principals.
She said the launch was done after in-depth consultations and evidence-based policy considerations.
Mohamed said the huge unemployment in the country was raising a lot of questions on the quality of education and training.
“We need to use all tools at our disposal to ensure young people access gainful and decent employment. One million young people enter the labour market annually and we need to create a million jobs every year in the next 10 years,” said the CS.
She said there was a huge deficit in job creation in the country as only one out of five was likely to secure employment. Last year the Government was only able to create 800,000 jobs.
A World Bank study found that the high unemployment levels in Africa was largely due to disconnect between education and market needs.
According to the Cabinet Secretary, the OCS is expected to address critical needs of students such as how to write application letters, dress code and how to behave during interviews.
The Government is expected to provide budget to facilitate institutions establish the offices.
The office offers strategies towards seamless transition from learning to earning.
A handbook on the establishment of the OCS says the students will be guided to make right career choices by developing educational plans consistent with their life goals.
It will also offer career services such as counselling, advising and assessment, linkage between industries and students, high school recruitment and recruitment career fairs.
The Ministry of Education will create policies, oversight and encourage private sector participation.

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