Public schools told to acquire title deeds

By Kage Njoroge

The Boards of Management (BOMs)of public schools have been directed to acquire title deeds for their institutions to protect the property from land grabbers.
This directive was issued by Darius Mogaka Ogutu, the Director of Policy and Partnerships in the Ministry of Education.
Ogutu observed that public schools have lost land through grabbing by unscrupulous people, who falsify documents to claim the property.
He told school managers to speed up and ensure institutional land and properties are legally registered and documented to keep off thieves from encroaching.
The director made the remarks when he presided over, Murang’a East Education Day, held at Rurii Mixed Secondary School in Kiharu, Murang’a County.
He disclosed that the government intends to open more space for day schools to enable more students access learning at affordable fees.
The director added the policy is geared to promote transition and completion from primary to secondary level of most students.
Ogutu urged Form Four leavers to enrol at technical and vocational colleges to study courses which would empower them to create self-employment.
He said the Government plans to establish a technical training institute in every constituency to create more learning opportunities for school leavers to get quality training with useful programmes.
These colleges have been listed to access loans from Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) this academic year to benefit tertiary students.
Ogutu said the colleges are being transformed into centres for technology, engineering and knowledge transfer to young people in line with Vision 2030 and the Big Four Agenda by the Government.
Murang’a East Education Director, Richard Ng’ang’a said teamwork and participation by all stakeholders is contributing to improved standards of learning in the region.

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