Students from NEP with D+ to join TTCs

By Amoto Dennis

Students from North Eastern region with D+ and above in KCSE examination will be admitted to teacher training colleges to pursue P1 course.
Students from other better placed counties will have to attain C+ in KCSE to enter a college.
Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed said it was high time Northeastern region produced her own teachers. ‘Other region, are self-sufficient in the number of tutors,” she said.
She added the grade will be lowered so that the region can have local teachers.
“Against this background, statistics show that only 10 per cent of North Eastern students are in teacher training colleges and Garissa TTC isn’t a beehive of local teachers as one would have expected,” she noted.
Non local teachers posted to the region have been seeking transfers en masse since February, citing violation of their human rights.
Amina declared that this year is the last intake of P1 teachers as the Government plans to scrap the training in July and replace it with Diploma.
As much as the Government plans to salvage the remote North Eastern region with D+ training, some residents are expressing reservation with the generous act.
Garissa KNUT Executive Secretary Abdirizak Hussein argued that teachers are born and not made.
“One might have got a lower grade but but be a good tutor,’’ he said, adding those interested need to be given a chance to prove their worth.

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