Trans Nzoia private schools accused of underpaying teachers

By Osborn Ben

Proprietors of private schools in Trans Nzoia have been accused of violating the labour rights of teaching and non-teaching staff who work within their institutions by “paying them peanuts”.
Speaking during Labour Day celebrations in Kitale, the union’s National Organizing Secretary, David Mwale noted that most teachers within the institutions were suffering in the hands of their employers.
“We are concerned with the poor payments being made to teachers and support staff within these institutions. Some of them earn less than Sh 3,000 per month,” Mwale said at the ASK Show grounds in Kitale town.
He said the trend was uncalled for since some of the teachers go formore than three months without getting a salary yet they had personal responsibilities to take care of.
“This is inhuman since the schools rake in a lot of money in terms of school fees yet the teachers who are the engines that power the institutions are treated like papers,” noted the unionist.
The Union of Kenya civil servants (UKCS) Treasurer in Trans Nzoia, Charles Atieli took issue with delays in the remittance of statutory deductions on salaries of Trans Nzoia County Government employees including ECDE teachers .
“We also call on the National Government to honour collective bargaining agreements reached with various trade unions to avert cases where the workers had to down their tools,” said Atieli.
The Chairman of the Trans Nzoia County Government Workers’ Union, Samwel Kiboi expressed disappointment that some casual workers who had worked at the devolved unit for more than six years were yet to be confirmed on permanent terms.
“We call on the County Public Service Board to ensure all casual workers are confirmed on permanent terms. This issue has dragged on for long and we would like to see it addressed,” said Mr. Kiboi.
The County Government’s Public Service Management member, Claire Wanyama promised to have a round table discussion with the union officials to address the challenges.

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