Webuye East gets Sh86m for education sector

By Godfrey Wamalwa

The education sector in Webuye East Constituency of Bungoma County has received a boost after area MP Alfred Sambu disbursed more than Sh 86 million to cater for the improvement of infrastructure and bursary.
The MP said the bursary kitty got Sh21 million while secondary schools development received Sh 13 million and primary schools got Sh30 million.
“We are keen to ensure children in the constituency learn in a conducive environment. I applaud education stakeholders for improving performing in local schools and urge them to work harder to become a model constituency in the country,” he said.
Sambu Central Primary School headteacher Tabitha Okiru applauded the efforts of the area MP. She added that last year they registered a mean grade of 381 and are looking forward to improving further as a result of the aid received.
Bungoma East Knut Chairman Robert Mandila lauded the MP for working hard to assist schools.

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