Visually impaired mother of four blind children appeals for help

By Benedict Ngetich

A visually impaired mother of seven is appealing for help from the County Government to eneble her children access basic needs and education.
The visually impaired single mother is living in abject poverty in Mindililwet village in Soin/Sigowet, sub-county and is appealing to well-wishers to assist her to provide education and basic needs for her children, four of whom are blind.
Speaking at the Kericho Vocational and Rehabilitation Centre (KVRC) grounds, Mama Beatrice Chepngetich, 43, said she would like to see all her children access education although she is not in a position to provide for their basic needs.
“I was born blind in a family of seven; two of my siblings are blind. My mother is blind, but my father is not,” she said.
“I live in a Sh650 one-room rental mabati house but I now pay Sh400 after I pleaded with my landlord who often times threatens to kick me out whenever I fail to pay my rent,” she added.
She said she does casual jobs; most of the time working as a tea picker and sometimes selling tomatoes to provide for the family but the money earned is too little to raise school fees for the children leave alone feeding them well.
“I have never gone to school but I want all my children to have a bright future,” Chepngetich said.
She said her eldest son is 17years old, those following him are aged 15, 13 and 11 and were also born blind. It is her prayer that they be enrolled in a special school where they can learn using braille.
With tears welling in her eyes, the indefatigable mother despite her condition wants all her children to acquire good education for them to lead productive and meaningful lives.

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