Legislator cautions over misappropriation of bursary fund

By Ben Leshau

A Narok legislator has warned chiefs and CDF officials against diverting bursaries meant for students from poor families.
Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo who distributed the funds at Ilmotiook Primary School at the weekend said the funds were meant to ensure that bright students from needy families and those misusing the funds will face the law.
“Today we are distributing Sh17.2 million bursaries from CDF to needy students in all the four wards in the constituency. Ilmotiook Ward which is the biggest gets Sh5.2 million while Naikarra, Mara and Siana Wards will each get Sh4 million in this financial year”, said Tongoyo.
For transparency, the MP directed that the list of all the children set to benefit from the bursary fund be pinned in all the chiefs’ offices.

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