County sets aside over Sh125m for bursaries

By Calistus Imbayi

Vihiga County Government has set aside over Sh125 million as the County’s Education fund which will cater for bursaries across the 25 wards in the County
This was revealed by Governor Dr. Wilber Ottichillo while addressing members of the press and the public as he delivered his score card of 200 days in office.
The Governor said his Government has allocated adequate funds for bursary because most of the people in the county are poor and cannot afford education.
Governor Ottichillo asserted that Sh125 million has already been received from the National treasury and disbursed to the wards through the already established ward bursary committees. Each of the 25 wards of Vihiga County is supposed to receive Sh4 million for secondary and tertiary education and each needy secondary school student is set to receive Sh5,000.
The County boss has already established the County TVET master plan after successfully engaging all the TVET managers in the county and Sh140 million has been allocated for the purchase of equipment and renovation of infrastructure in all Youth polytechnics.
Each TVET institution is set to receive Sh850,000.
He revealed that a further Sh50 million has been received for the rehabilitation of all youth polytechnics in the county.
The County Government, he said had added another Sh5 million to equip the learning facilities in every ward.

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