Ten arrested for impregnating school girls

By Ben Leshau

Over 10 men among them four Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) workers have been arrested for allegedly impregnating over 30 girls from two secondary schools in Narok East Constituency.
According to area Deputy County Commissioner Arthur Bunde, the crackdown on the defilers started last week and many more are being sought by the authorities.
Among the schools affected are Eor-Ekule and Suswa Girls secondary school where the SGR workers and locals had been accused of impregnating the girls.
“So far we have arrested about 10 among them some SGR workers, locals and students. They are already in police cells and we are still hunting for others who have gone into hiding after realizing that police were looking for them”, said Bunde.
The DCC, has however, cited difficulties in prosecuting the suspects as they have support of the community members whom, he said, abet the crime, adding that those who had offered to be witnesses in the cases have since recanted their statements.
The crackdown was launched after area Governor Samuel Tunai and his Deputy Evalyn Aruasa called for speedy, tough legal action to be taken against those impregnating underage girls.
The two leaders said the county was at risk of losing a girls’ generation due to teenage pregnancies and early marriages.
Area County Commissioner George Natembeya (pictured) has however, threatened to fire chiefs and their assistants found to be abetting the rampant teenage pregnancies in their areas.

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