Concern over county rising school girl pregnancies

By John Ochieng

Homa Bay County has been singled out as having the highest number of teenage pregnancies in the country.
This has led to high dropout of girls as they resort to early marriages.
Homa Bay County stands at 37 per cent on pregnancy evaluation.
Charles Nyangwara, the Sub County Quality Assurance and Standards officer for South Rachuonyo Sub County blamed the mess on parents who have abdicated their responsibilities to teachers.
He said girl child should be provided with what is necessary for their health.
The officer said the Boda Boda riders have taken the missing link to substitute what parents have failed to provide.
He said provincial administration should come in handy to correct the mess by arresting and punishing those found culpable of impregnating teenage girls.
Rachuonyo South KEPSHA chairman Kenneth Ochieng said that parents have failed to provide for their children.
He said that it is disheartening to find young girls who are living in deplorable conditions due their inability to continue with their education because of early pregnancy which culminates in early marriages.
He said all stakeholders must rise to the occasion and save little girls from the hands of sex pests.
The two were speaking at Nyalenda Secondary School in Oyugis, Homa Bay County during their Annual General Meeting.

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