Transformer fault throws school into darkness

By Our Reporter

The breakdown of an electricity transformer has thrown a secondary school in Tharaka Nithi into darkness for some months now.
Ntumbara Secondary school head teacher John Njeru said the transformer blew up in November last year and has never been replaced paralysing many activities in the school.
“Currently our students do not attend computer classes, can’t carry out some practical sessions that require power and are forced to sleep early and wake up late denying them chance time for preps,” said Njeru.
The principal said students were likely to perform poorly in education noting that the blackout currently being experienced in the institution poses a security threat to school with the students being the hardest hit by the misfortune.
He noted that efforts to seek help from Kenya Power and Lighting Company offices in Chuka and in the neighbouring Embu County did not bear any fruits.
Parents of the school have decried the situation, and appealed to the KPLC to step up actions to rectify the fault.
KPLC county branch manager Mr Eric Momanyi acknowledged receiving complaints from the school but said the line that had connected them was not under their area of operation.
He added that they had liaised with the Embu office whose line was serving the school and had promised to take action.

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