KICD denies some textbooks are below standard

By Our Reporter

The Curriculum Developer is investigating concerns that some textbooks allegedly being used in schools don’t meet set quality standards.
This follows social media reports that mistakes have been identified in one of the secondary school textbooks.
“We don’t take anything for granted especially when it comes to curriculum and curriculum support materials,” Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Chief Executive Officer, Dr Julius Jwan said.
He explained that book evaluators from the institute who work alongside subject specialists from schools and various agencies rely on standard guidelines that any book must meet. This include quality of the cover pages, relevance of content to the curriculum, appropriateness of language used, layout and use of illustrations that enhance teaching and learning.
“There is a checklist that eventually guarantees quality,” Dr Jwan said yesterday in Nairobi.
“We shall verify if indeed the Kiswahili textbook in circulation is the final copy that was endorsed for printing.”
Dr Jwan however appealed to Kenyans not to generalize an error noted in one book to all the learning materials saying such a move causes unnecessary panic.
He said KICD has always stood for the highest quality standards in instructional materials.
“We make all possible efforts to ensure these standards are met in all the books, approved for schools,” Dr Jwan said.
Publishers with manuscripts, which have been given a ‘conditional pass’ are expected to resubmit them to KICD, for confirmation that all the identified weaknesses have been acted upon.

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