Mother of boy allegedly sodomised cries for justice

By John Majau

Mother to a 13-year-old boy allegedly sodomised at Chogoria Boys’ High School is crying for justice.
She has urged police to speed up investigations and unearth the mystery surrounding the incident
It is claimed that a Form One student from the school had been sodomised by the older boys when he went to answer a call of nature.
As the parents and the child cry for justice many are still waiting with baited breath to see whether the police in conjunction with the hospital where the boy was treated will unravel the mystery behind the alleged incidence.
The mother said she had not received any update on the progress of the ongoing investigations and was worried that justice may not prevail.
She said the boy is still receiving treatment on the injured private parts and was looking for a counselor who could talk to him because he was experiencing hallucinations during the night due to trauma. “My boy is suffering a lot because he cannot comfortably sit down due to pain on the back and screams at night calling for help,” said the mother.
Tharaka-Nithi Police Commander Mary Omari said so far no suspect has been arrested in connection with the alleged incident. She said that police officers have already launched investigations into the matter and urged anybody with any information regarding the incident to forward it to the police to enable them take the appropriate action. She said the investigating team was experiencing challenges because the medical report given by Chogoria PCEA Mission Hospital was not committal.
“The medical report provided by the hospital is not helping much because the expert does not state clearly whether the victim was sodomised or not and has little information that can help in the investigations,” said Omari.

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