Leaders join hands in improving education

By Jane Wangechi

Lamu West Member of Parliament Stanley Muthama has said elected leaders should joins hands and foster strong education system which will propel the county’s’ growth and prosperity.
Muthama said education is his priority and promised to work closely with Lamu East MP and other leaders to improve education standards in the county.
He called upon parents to embrace education saying educated children will be able to uplift the living standards of communities.
He added that most school going children are not in schools due to parents laxity.
On his part, his Lamu East counterpart Shariff Athman said he and Muthama are determined to see that more pupils get to secondary schools and proceed with education.
He also said that schools must get more learning materials apart from what the government is giving due to influx of learners.
He said he will support Jubilee’s agenda to make sure that education is improved in the country.
Area Member of the County Assembly Fahad Adnan said that even in the Quran, Muslims are told to look for education.
“Parents must take children to school”, he said.
They spoke during a Prize Giving Day for Faza Ward at Faza Secondary School.

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