Nyabisase, Nyabisia: Tale of two schools with contrasting fortunes

A tale of two schools in secondary schools from Kisii county has left residents and education stakeholders concerning the sharp contrast in their examination performance although they share almost similar names and quite close to each other.
One is called Nyabisase Secondary school while the sister but low performing one is called Nyabisia.
Nyabisase qualified more than 30 students with direct entry to university in 2017 examinations while Nyabisia has never taken a single student to university since its inception in more than fifteen years ago.
It was against this background that the parents locked the school and ordered the principal and his staff to quit and try elsewhere because they has failed to teach their children well to enable them pass and join university.
It took the intervention of the County Education Board (CEB) committee to reopen the school after the parent’s stand-off for two weeks. The school reopened in the first term of this year.
According to the Kisii CEB chairman Dr. Henry Onderi, Nyabisia Secondary School has not been performing well in the national examinations because of the intimidation and pressure from the school management committee to the principal.
‘The school management committee has been a hindrance to the professional discharge of duties”, he said.
He confirmed his board had dismissed the dictatorial and inept committee of the school and replaced it with a new competent one. Another school whose management committee was fired is Mosensema of Bomachoge Borabu constituency.
According to the residents the school has been advocating the employment of the ‘their son’ as principal by conniving with unscrupulous personnel in the TSC without following procedure.
Kenyenya sub-county Education Director Antoney Barasa lauds the county education’s crackdown to streamline education performance in the area.
– Enock Okong’o

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