Governor Samboja awards scholarships to 250 students

By colllins Akong’o

Taita Taveta Governor Granton Samboja has awarded full scholarships to 250 needy students.
The full scholarship by the Governor and his wife Stella will enable students join Form One would also cater for pocket money for those in boarding school.
Speaking during the commissioning of the programme at his Wundanyi office, the governor said the initiative is aimed at ensuring increased transition rate from primary to secondary school.
The initiative is being undertaken through the Samboja Foundation under the Imarisha Elimu programme.
“Most of the students are orphans, others have been brought up by single parents while some come from very poor families, thus need help to access education,” said Governor Samboja.
“From June we shall sponsor some of our children to undertake specialized courses so that they can help in building our county. We shall enter into an agreement with them so that when they complete the courses they work in the County Government for some years before seeking employment elsewhere,” he added.
The Governor also challenged the students to work hard in their studies.
The county first lady Stella Samboja challenged the students to work hard and ensure discipline at school. “This is a golden opportunity. You can only appreciate us by working hard to achieve the best in the next four years. We are going to monitor your performance very closely,” she told the beneficiaries.
She also requested the students to plant trees. Deputy Governor Majala Mlagui praised the Governor for the good gesture and challenged the students to work hard.
Present during the function were County Commissioner Kula Hache, County Education Minister Daniel Makoko, Taita Taveta branch KNUT Secretary Rosalia Mkanjala, Kuppet Secretary Shadrack Mutungi among others.
At the same time, Samboja has promised to bring other leaders on board for an education consultative meeting to discuss ways of improving education standards in the county.
He noted that there is need for all leaders from the county to join efforts towards ensuring success in education.

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