Teachers who ignore strike will not be represented by union in future, says Meru KUPPET 

Meru Branch Executive Secretary Karuti Nchebere has said teachers will carry their their own cross in future if they do not actively participate in the strike that starts tomorrow.

Meru County KUPPET Governing Council has said teachers who fail to join the strike will be treated as traitors, threatening them with abandonment in time of need.

In a hard hitting statement, Branch Executive Secretary Karuti Nchebere said any teacher who does not take part actively should be ready to be on their own in future.

Speaking in Meru town during a presser today, Nchebere said such teachers should not expect the union to come to their rescue when trouble comes calling.

He said they will deal ruthlessly with them, cautioning school principals against calling teachers for any meetings, and parents against taking their children to school.


KUPPET NGC resolves to uphold the teachers strike tomorrow 

“Let me reassure you that there is no turning back in regard to the industrial action called by the council’s top organs. I urge all teachers to join the strike unanimously and agitate for their rights,” he added.

He said the strike will go on until all their grievances with regard to implementation of the second phase of 2021/2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) are addressed.

He said industrial action is the only language that the government understands, noting it’s the time for teachers to get what they rightfully deserve, even if it means the hard way.

He said no teacher will be victimized because they have followed the law when calling for the strike, regretting however that their action will negatively affect learners especially those sitting national exams.

Nchebere also called on teachers working in private schools to take the cue from them and agitate for better terms.

By John Majau

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