KUPPET Nairobi releases first week strike programme 

As KUPPET NGC was announcing its intention to go on with the strike tomorrow, Nairobi Branch meanwhile was releasing its programme for week one of the strike.
The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Nairobi branch has released first week programme of events following the confirmation of the strike that begins tomorrow.
The one week programme contained in a document signed and stamped by the branch Executive Secretary Moses Owiti Mbora  will involve peaceful procession of members to submit petitions to various offices, and Branch Governing Council (BGC) and Branch Executive Committee (BEC) meetings.
On August 26, 2024 morning, the BEC will release a statement which will be followed the following day August 27, 2024 by a peaceful procession of members to Teachers Service Commission (TSC) headquarters, where they will present a petition for the promotion of 130,000 teachers and on the quality of medical cover between 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon.
Another peaceful procession will also be on August 28, 2024 between 10:00a.m. and 3:00p.m, this time submitting their petition to the chairman of the National Assembly Budget and Appropriation Committee Ndindi Nyoro through the clerk of the Assembly and National Treasury Cabinet Secretary John Mbadi.
Among the demands the teachers will be presenting is provision of funds to promote 130,000 teachers, medical cover, and conversion of all intern teachers to permanent terms.
The branch will conclude its peaceful procession on August 29, 2024 when it will submit its petition to the Office of the President, which will be about provision of funds for conversion of 46,000 intern teachers to permanent and pensionable terms. It will happen from 9:00a.m. to 12 noon before convening a BGC meeting on August 30, 2024 on status of the strike, which will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
By Roy Hezron 
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