We won’t stand down until our demands are met, Homa Bay teachers say

KUPPET Homa Bay branch Executive Secretary Stephen Yogoh

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Homa Bay branch has warned that unless the government implements the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), they are ready to begin the countrywide teachers’ strike which will begin on August 26.

The branch Executive Secretary Stephen Yogoh said that as teachers, they were ready to suffer any consequences in their attempt to agitate for what they are owed.

“We have done beyond our duty imparting knowledge to our children but the government which is supposed to ensure our economic security is always out to demoralize us,” he said.

Speaking to Education News in Homa Bay town, he said that he had instructed members not to report when schools reopen for third term next week.

His sentiments were echoed by Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Gucha branch Executive Secretary Lucy Machuki who said that her teachers had agreed not to report to their respective schools.

“We have agreed to stand in solidarity against this punitive government which is out to deny teachers their rightful economic share in this country,” she said.


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Clemencia Bosibori, a parent, asked the government to embrace dialogue with the teachers in order to avert the strike which will interrupt learning, more so for candidates preparing to sit national exams later this year.

“Let teachers remember that they are parents also and should spare our children by reasoning with the government on how their issues will be solved,” she said.

Teachers are protesting the failure by the government to fully implement the 2021-2025 CBA, confirm intern teachers and promote teachers who have stagnated in the same job group for years.

By Enock Okong’o

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