Parents urged to monitor children during holidays

Meru County Alcoholic and Drinks Control Board CEO Dr Mbabu Muguna./File photo

Parents have been urged to monitor and ensure they know the whereabouts of their children in a bid to enhance the safety of the minors during the school holidays.

Meru County Alcoholic and Drinks Control Board Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr Mbabu Muguna said parents should ensure the children are safe and secure at all times and cost.

Speaking to the media in Meru town recently, Dr Muguna said it is the responsibility of the parents to take care of their children now that  the schools have closed and the learners are no longer in the hands of teachers.

He however regretted that many of the parents finds it a burden to take care of their children when they are on holiday.

“Now that the schools have closed and children are on holiday, it is the duty of the parents to take care of their kids. Let them monitor their whereabouts in a bid to enhance their safety. I urge parents not to abscond their responsibility,” said Dr Muguna.

The CEO also cautioned parents against sending their children to buy them alcohol saying it could easily lure them into consuming alcohol.

“Some parents are sending their children to buy them alcohol during the holidays. They write notes to the buyer and since children are very curious by nature they open and read them. That is when they discover they have been sent to buy alcohol.

“They assume that since alcohol can’t harm their parents they cannot also be affected. That is how they are inevitably lured into consuming alcohol. This habit must stop under all cost,” said Dr Muguna.

He said it is impossible to persuade the children not to drink alcohol yet you are consuming the same product.

He called on bar owners who operate their premises near estates to desist from selling alcohol to children failure to which they will face severe punishment including arrest and prosecution.

Dr Muguna also called on the parents, chiefs, teachers, leaders and residents to always be good role models to the children since they copy a lot of things from grown ups.

“Let the community take the initiative and shine for the society by eliminating the sale and consumption of illicit brews and drugs. We should never sell alcohol to minors. It will lead to immortality.

Parents should know children of nowadays are very knowledgeable because they are exposed. In schools they discuss parents’ habits especially the fights and drunk behavior. They like drama and this is want they copy. I urge parents to be good role models to their children,” said Dr Muguna.

By John Majau

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