Kiambu ECDE teachers file petition over poor working conditions

Kiambu county ECDE teachers during a past event/ Photos by Felix Wanderi

Over 1,500 Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers in Kiambu County have filed a petition with the County Assembly to complain about poor working conditions.

Through Lawrence Mwaura, the education committee chairman in the Assembly, the teachers decry nepotism, harassment, intimidation, threats, unfair transfers and illegal demotions by the county government.

In the petition, the ECDE teachers claim that the department of education has been carrying out promotions of ECDE teachers through favoritism and is overlooking crucial parameters and merits such as years of dedicated service and academic qualifications, among others.

Further, the department has been carrying out demotions of ECDE teachers without due diligence and proper cause.

The provision of pre-primary education as well as THE establishment and running of child care facilities is a devolved function of county government as stipulated under part two of the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

The petition further read that the process of ECDE teachers’ transfers is not fair and is causing stress and anxiety among them.


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“The transfers are not taking into account the geographical locations as well as work experience,” read part of the petition.

The ECDE teachers said that experience in their workplace is not handled professionally by the department.

“The teachers are harassed, intimidated and threatened by programme officers in the sub-counties and other officers in the education department when they present their grievances and the issues are not handled with confidentiality,” said the teachers, claiming that a number of them have diligently served within the department without proper titles or designations, which has greatly lowered their morale.

Kiambu ECDE teachers

They alleged that concerted efforts to address the matter with the county government have been futile, praying that the assembly would intervene and investigate the allegations with an aim of making recommendations.

Governor Kimani Wamatangi in March last year had said that to motivate the teachers, his administration will be committed towards improving employment terms through suitable schemes, salaries and benefits that will spur personal growth.

By Felix Wanderi

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