Joy as 453 ECDE teachers in Makueni get permanent jobs

Makueni County Covernor Mutula Kilonzo junior hands over contract letter to ECDE teachers. Photos by Lydia Ngoolo.

Makueni County Executive Member for Education Elizabeth Muli has said that 453 Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers have been converted to permanent and pensionable terms this month.

This is the second cohort after the first one totaling 497 teachers were employed permanently.

Area Governor Mutula Kilonzo junior while addressing the ECDE teachers at the his compound, encouraged them to do continuous learning to get promotions when such opportunities arise.
He expressed joy in the confidence of the teachers saying such has been reflected in the ECDE learners which is very impressive.


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“I want the teachers to stand tall always and never be disrespected by anybody. Now you are government employees like any other staff, be proud of who you are and discharge your duties as expected,” Governor Mutula said.

ECDE learners present a poem.                                               

He noted that teachers should be remunerated well in both national and county level. The governor called upon the teachers to understand the psychology of the young learners well revealing that they will introduce white boards since black boards can affect health of the learners and teachers.

He thanked the teachers who were had been since 2014 for their perseverance because they faced a lot of financial constraints but now are smiling all the way to the banks after being converted from January this year.

“Out of the 453, diploma holders are 372 while 70 are certificate holders and 10 will be converted next week since their applications came a bit late,” she added.

She further said that they have equipped ECDE centres and their teachers with learning material as well as making the classes friendly to the young learners.

One of the newly converted teachers Jennifer Julius from Kalameni ECDE centre thanked the county government adding that their lives will be better now and they will carry out their duties well.

By Lydia Ngoolo

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