Joy as Bomet ECDE teachers receive accrued salary of six months

The Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers in Bomet have a reason to smile after the county government released their salaries that had accumulated for six months.

The teachers said the delay coupled by the high cost of living had put them in an awkward position and could no longer meet their families’ basic needs.

Speaking in Bomet town they observed that the payment now acts as a motivation as they had become demotivated with some even losing hope.

Led by Edna Koech and Jacqueline Chelangat they also lauded the county for the milk programme and also equipping ECDE centres across the county.


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“Delayed salaries had put us in an awkward situation. We have also been unable to educate our children but today we are so happy since the county has paid our salaries which had accumulated for over six months now,” said Koech.

The elated teachers committed to do their work diligently and also engage the county concerning the remaining demands, noting that basic education should be given priority.

“We are very happy and motivated today. As teachers, we are now ready to perform our duties with commitment. We also thank the county for the milk programme that has attracted many children and also for equipping ECDE centres across the country,” added Chelangat.

The teachers who had not been paid since January, staged demonstrations and camped outside Governor Hillary Barchok demanding their payment.

In a statement after releasing the salaries, the county observed that the delay was occasioned by the delayed release of the shareable revenue by the treasury.

By Kimutai Langat

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