Kenya National Qualifications Authority set to unveil 2023-2027 Strategic Plan this Friday

Director General of the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) Dr Alice Kande. File photo

The Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) is set to unveil its 2023-2027 Strategic Plan that seeks to propel it towards the attainment of its mission of promoting globally recognized and competitive qualifications.

KNQA Director General Dr Alice Kande said the plan for the period 2023-2027 serves as a framework for achieving strategic goals through optimal utilisation of limited resources.

The development of this new strategic direction is to realign the Authority’s functions with the government’s Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) and MTP IV (2023 -2027).

During the development of this plan, a strategic orientation was determined through performance analysis of the 2020-2025.

Three key strategic issues were identified including Quality and Relevance; Access, Equity and Inclusivity, and Governance and Accountability.

“Aligned with these strategic issues are three overarching strategic goals namely Strengthen Governance and Accountability Systems, Improve Quality and Relevance of Qualifications and to Enhance Access and inclusivity,” said Dr Kande.

The designated Key Result Areas are as follows; Research and Policies on National Qualifications, Registration of QAIs and Qualifications, National Qualifications Database, and Mobility and Progression of Learners and KRA5: Institutional Capacity Development.

According to Dr Kande, in an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, evolving trends in labour markets and a dynamic qualifications landscape, the Kenya KNQA assumes a pivotal role in advancing societal progress and individual empowerment.

“As an Authority we embrace the profound responsibility entrusted to us, that of sculpting the education and professional landscape of our nation. The mandate of the Authority transcends mere administrative functions; it is visionary architect, a custodian of standards and a catalyst for innovation,” said Dr Kande.

She added: “In its formulation, consideration has been given to leverage the Authority’s strengths and opportunities while acknowledging challenges and threats that need to be addressed. It reflects an acute awareness of the challenges inherent in the education and training sector. Guided by its Vision, Mission and Mandate, the Authority commits to navigate the Strategic Plan period with keen awareness of the dynamic operating environment.”

Dr Kande added that the Plan encapsulates our steadfast commitment to enhancing the quality, relevance and recognition of qualifications within Kenya and beyond.

“It is grounded in extensive research, stakeholder consultations and adherence to international best practices, charting a trajectory that not only addresses current challenges but also anticipates the dynamic demands of the future,” said the Director General.

The Authority is confident that our continued collaboration will strategically position, in its endeavour to shape the future of Kenya through globally recognised and competitive qualifications.

The Strategic Plan set for launch on Friday June 5 outlines the strategic objectives and strategies of the Authority to be implemented over the period.

“Formulating national policies and standards on national qualifications is the mandate of KNQA, ensuring that by implementing robust frameworks and systems, the Authority upholds the highest standards of quality and relevance in education and training,” reads the Plan.

KNQA will execute this mandate through three key result areas: Research and policies on national qualifications; Registration of Qualifications Awarding Institutions (QAIs) and qualifications; and National Qualifications Database, Access, Equity and inclusivity.

“Governance and Accountability Governance and accountability are fundamental principles that shape the functioning and success of an organizational setup. This will ensure efficiency and effectiveness for improved productivity within KNQA. This strategic issue shall be implemented through Institutional Capacity Development as a Key Result Area,” adds the Plan.


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The Authority  has also developed the Kenya Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (KCATS).

The KCATS is designed to be used by TVET colleges and universities in Kenya to monitor, record and reward passage through modular certificate, Diploma and degree courses and to facilitate movement between levels and courses and institutions.

To ensure quality assurance of qualifications, the Authority developed quality assurance policy National qualifications. Additionally, the Authority monitored the quality assurance ensuring a transparent and accountable system.

To ensure standardization of the National Classification of National Qualifications in all Qualifications Awarding Institutions, the Authority developed the Kenya National Classifications and Coding system

During the period under review 2020-2025, a total of 1,382 out of 6,441 qualifications were registered in KNQF.

The registration ensured that all educational and professional qualifications meet the required standards, providing a clear and credible framework for learners.

The Authority registered 31 Qualifications Awarding Institutions in the KNQF out of 122 mapped institutions. To ensure effective implementation of KNQF, the authority conducted Capacity Building to 84 Education and Training Institutions.

Additionally, a total of 100,532 learners were registered in the National Learners Records Database

The Authority developed guidelines on Recognition, Equation, and Verification (REV). The guidelines were used to conduct alignment and validation of Qualifications in the KNQF.

A total of 11,454 Qualifications both from local and foreign institutions were validated and aligned to KNQF during the plan period.

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