NITA to give prisoners certificates after govt settles its debt

Salome Beacco, PS for Correctional Services, speaks when she received donations at Kamiti Maximum Prison.

The State Department of Correctional Services Principal Secretary (PS) Salome Beacco has announced that the debt owed to National Industrial Training Institute (NITA) is almost fully settled, paving way for processing of certificates for prisoners.

Beacco, speaking in Kamiti Maximum Prison today when she received donations from Accept International, a Japanese NGO, said they are collaborating with the department of industry to have every inmate getting a certificate from NITA.

 Beacco receives donations from Accept International, a Japanese NGO.

“We are nearing to complete the loan we have with NITA so that inmates will be able to do NITA exams and all those who will do the exams may be able to get their certificates,” she said, which she said will help them get jobs once they get out of jail.

She said their mandate is to ensure that their clients are reformed, rehabilitated and are properly integrated back into society.

“I call upon most of you to embrace the technical training as we are adding more equipment and workshops so that you can continue to train in the various technical courses that we are offering inside prisons,” she added.

Beacco opens a a counselling facility at Kamiti Maximum Prison.

Accept International Country Director Hassan Abdikadir said their mandate is to rehabilitate inmates, especially terror extremists and young people in communities that are at risk of being radicalized.

“We help them by providing education, awareness and also giving them the support that they need so that they do not end up radicalized,” he said

Thus far, Accept International has conducted projects in Kamiti Maximum Prison and Shimo La Tewa Prison worth Ksh2 million each that include construction of counseling rooms, renovations of vocational training rooms, care counselling, training of trainers for prisons and probation officers, provision of vocational training tools, improvement of sanitation and sewerage, and installation of CCTV cameras to enhance security inside the prisons.

By Felix Wanderi


Each JSS student allocated KSh4998 as MoE disburses capitation

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