Laptops lie idle in schools over lack of skilled teachers

Teacher instructs learners during computer classes.

Despite the government delivering 1.2 million tablets to 21,637 public primary schools at a cost of KSh30 billion to help children continue learning online, the devices are lying in schools cabinets unused due to lack of adequate teacher exposure to computer usage.

According to James Mwangi, ICT teacher at Karuri High, speaking during a digital pedagogy training exercise for teachers organized by the Centre for ICT in Education and Resource Network CiERN that is taking place across the country, teachers need to be trained first, which was lacking even after the computers were brought to schools. “Start by training the teachers first as the gadgets come in. They will know how to use them so that they will be able to teach,” Mwangi said.

Maxwell Kayesi, HSC, director at CiERN working in partnership with The Thika Alumni Trust (TTAT), a UK based charity organization that donates e-learning centres in schools said that they have so far trained and equipped 40 schools with state-of-the-art e-learning centres enhancing equity and access to quality education to over 40,000 learners.

“We have been here in the country for slightly over four years and we have been training teachers on the usage of digital devices for leveraging existing infrastructure and gadgets donated by the TTAT to equip teachers. Some 40 Schools in Kiambu, Nakuru, Mombasa, Tharaka Nithii, Embu, Nyeri and Kakamega counties have benefited from the donation of e-learning centres from the Trust with more schools in Meru, Kajiado, Kitui and Murang’a counties set to benefit in January 2025. Teachers need to be empowered so that they can be able to use these resources effectively,” Kayesi said.


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Teachers need to be empowered so that they can be able to use these resources effectively,” Mwangi said.

James Waithaka, head teacher Kigumo Mbendera High School said that there was a need to have ICT systems in schools and many schools do not have centres.

“Through the donations of computers and training we are going to get an opportunity to embrace the technology that is coming in for learning meant for the students to benefit,” Waithaka said.

He said that once technology is incorporated in schools the learners would be more motivated to learn.

“When you have an e-learning centre, learners are motivated and the teachers will effectively deliver and impart more knowledge very fast,” he said.

By Felix Wanderi

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