Poor Nyamira family appeals for help to treat their ailing child

Beatrice Ronald has suffered for nine years and her parents cannot afford to take her to a specialist.

It is agony for Ronald Mokaya and his wife Eunice of Kitutu Masaba, Nyamira, as their daughter suffers a strange ailment that has forced her to drop out of school.

For the last nine years, the girl has gone through untold suffering after her left cheek swelled and doctors could not bring the matter to a conclusion.

According to the mother, her daughter Beatrice Ronald stopped going to school when she was in Grade 2.

“We took her to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital where we were asked for Ksh8,000 for X-ray, which we could not raise and returned home,” she said.

The 14-year old has lived with the condition because the poor family cannot raise the money for treatment.

Her parents say that she isolates herself from other children, especially in the weekends, as her self-esteem has dropped so low.

The head teacher of Rigoma Primary School Florence Gichana said the teachers noticed the worsening condition and alerted the nearby health centre where she was diagnosed with a tumour in the ear that is also beginning to affect the left eye.

According to Kisii Teaching Referral Hospital CEO Dr Oimeke Marita, the problem could have been caused by infections, tumours, or high altitude.

The side of the head that the tumour affected. The family is appealing for help as it cannot raise funds for specialized treatment.

He explains different ways in which brain swelling can occur, ranging from traumatic brain injury to ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.

He said traumatic brain injury, which can be caused by sudden falls or slips, can cause brain swells as it responds to the sudden body changes; while ischemic strokes occur when blood clots to cause blockage. When the brain fails to receive oxygen because of the blockage, its cells begin to die and swelling occurs.

The medic said that if the condition goes untreated, it may lead to memory loss, difficulty in walking, vision loss or changes and stiffness of the neck, among other physiological and psychological effects.

The parents appeal to local leaders including area MCA Nyambega Gisesa, MP Clive Gisairo, Nyamira Woman Representative, and Governor Amos Nyaribo to intervene and help them treat their daughter.

“We appeal to all of our beloved leaders and any other well-wisher like the church to come and help us,” Mokaya said.

They asked the public to visit Rigoma Primary School in Nyamira County and contact the headteacher Mrs Florence Gichana for more details about the suffering Girl,Beatrice Ronald for help. 


KUPPET defends schools sending learners home for fees

By Enock Okong’o

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