Kisii Prison dominated by school dropouts

Kisii Woman Representative Doris Aburi (fourth right) accompanied by Prison guards impressed by a bed made by inmates at Kisii Prison. Photos by Enock Okong'o

Most of the inmates at Kisii Main Prison are young school dropouts who missed early parental guidance and counseling that led them to end up being victims of the law.

This was said by Kisii Woman Representative Dorice Aburi when she visited the inmates at the centre to celebrate the Father’s Day with them yesterday, June 16.

She appealed to parents to play their rightful role of bringing up children because it is their rightful God Given assignment as the head of families.

“I came here with my team to share and wish you hopeful life as father figures and providers of your families who will leave here and join them after you have been reformed,” she said.

Kisii County Woman Rep gives soft drinks to inmates. 

The Woman Rep thanked the government for improving prison conditions by the provision of training like carpentry and masonry to inmates that will help them to continue with life successfully after the completion of their sentences.

Kisii based Gender Based Violence activists and expert Dr Madgdarine Gesare, observed that most of the male prisoners in the centre were judged and convicted over defilement and attributed the vice to lack of self-control.


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“Human beings were created with the highest amount of intelligence which should assist them to discern right from wrong in order to live harmoniously with one another,” she said.

Dr Gesare asked those in prison to avoid depression by embracing positive living with the aim of self reformation that they will gain from the centre.

Dr Magdaline Gesare with her former student now a prison guard at Kisii Correctional Centre.

She said that the Father’s Day was started in America as a religious Day to mark the pivotal role fathers play in their households but it sprawled and engulfed the whole world where it is celebrated in different ways.

During the long Day get-together Father’s Day, the Woman Representative and her entourage were entertained by prison Christian choirs and testimonies from prisoners who had been rehabilitated.

The officer in charge of the facility took the team around various departments of the prison that include gardening, dairy, carpentry and joinery and weaving.

Dr Magdaline Gesare talking to inmates to Mark Father’s Day. 

The Woman MP admired a beautifully made bed by prisoners and promised to buy one for her family while Dr Gesare was impressed by a basket woven from banana fibres by women inmates saying that anything good can come from prison if those convicted can be shown love compassion and guidance and counseling.

Citing many examples like that of former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela who studied while in prison and succeed in getting a degree in law, Dr Gesare asked the inmates to continue pursuing education even when they are in prison because it is the only best equaliser among human beings.

By Enock Okong’o

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