Winners feted as 13 schools in Western, Nyanza participate in competitive examination

Francis Asomba Principal of St Beda Bukaya awarding the top girl.Photo: Victor Ngecho

Quality education is costly and as such, schools have employed various measures all aimed at improving their final score in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

Early syllabus coverage and exposure to several external exams are among the measures that 13 schools have employed to see that students, in their schools, post impressive performances in the national examinations.

The ‘Cross-county Jet Exam’ is one major external examination that 13 schools spread in the counties of Kakamega, Busia, Bungoma, Siaya and Vihiga sit for to test the students’ preparedness.

Sila Mbinji, Principal Inungo Secondary awarding the top boy.

Speaking during the release of the 2024 edition of the exam at St Vincent Butende in Mumias West, the programme coordinator Justin Nyarotso hailed the participating schools for owning and supporting the programme effectively.

“The programme started with only two schools almost a decade ago but so far over 13 schools have been enlisted in the programme,” Nyarotso said.

Mary Rapando, the immediate former Chief Principal Sega Girls with other principals following release of results of the joint exam results at St. Vincent Butende Secondary School in Mumias. Photo Victor Ngecho

He noted the major reason for establishment of the programme was to challenge teachers and students to get out of their comfort zones, ensure proper capacity building and gauge student coverage rate, among many more.

“They say if you want to go fast, you go alone, but if you want to go far, you go with others. Students have been challenged to put in more effort in their studies and this has seen many schools post impressive results in the national exams due to exposure to these exams,” he said.


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Mary Rapando, the immediate former Chief Principal Sega Girls and the Chief Guest urged students to put in more effort in their studies to change the stories of their homes.

Rapando insisted on content mastery saying that it is what one knows that will place them at the helm of performance in examination.

The soft-spoken teacher asked the students not to worry about the background of their homes but instead focus on their studies.

Mary Rapando addresses to students and teachers.

“You can be anything or own anything if you embrace education,” she said.

Benson Musasia, the Principal of St Vincent Butende, was also hailed for accepting to host the event at his school and for keeping the school clean.

A section of head of departments from participating schools.

Top performers in every subject were feted, not forgetting the top ten boys and girls in the examination.

The participating secondary schools include Inungo, Bukaya, Namamba, Ahong’injo, Bukolwe, Butende, Shimanyiro, Matawa, Kamusinde, Muslim Boys, Eshiyanza and Emakhalwe.

By Victor Ngecho

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