Salasya hands over new latrines to 10 primary schools

One of the lavatories that were constructed by Mumias East MP Peter Salasya.

10 primary schools in Mumias East Constituency, Kakamega County, will be using modern lavatories courtesy of area MP Peter Salasya and the NGCDF.

The MP, through his official Facebook page, announced that the newly constructed wash rooms are tiled and with urinals, saying they will last 100 years.

“We build from underground with strong wires D12 and D16 to avoid any possible sinking,” said the post.

The beneficiaries of the modern toilets include Mwitoti, Mahala, Shitoto, Ikoli, Muroni, Khaunga, Munganga, Ebungale, and Emabanga Primary schools.

Salasya has been on the fore front of supporting education in the region as a while ago he donated five buses to schools through the NGCDF.

He also gave scholarships to students joining Wanga Technical Training College to boost its enrollment.


Over 500 children forced out of school in Baringo due to insecurity

By Vostine Ratemo

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